Sunday, April 5, 2015

Voices of October: Diary of a Halloween Haunt - NEW Halloween Documentary

This is something that is very near and dear to me, because it's truly nine years in the making. My first full-length film is a documentary about our group of family and friends creating and maintaining our free home haunt, Scarriage Town.

But VOICES OF OCTOBER is more than that...its sort of visual journey through what is best about Halloween, and "growing up Halloween", as my oldest son puts it. When we did our first home haunt for the neighborhood, some of my kids were very young, and some weren't even born. It's really quite amazing to take a look at the ways it has evolved and hear from my kids, who have evolved right along with the haunt.

 This film was shot on multiple Droid cameras over several years and features the music of artists Lucifer Fulci and Free Will. I'm very proud of the way it turned out and have the rare luxury of pricing it to afford. I would really like anyone who loves Halloween to give it a watch.


For anyone who prefers to download a stream or even a rental, that will be possible in about a week or so. TRICK OR TREAT! :D